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Cyber Security For The Manufacturing Sector

September 14, 2022

When thinking about the manufacturing sector, the physical environment is what first springs to mind. This includes the like of material and mechanical handling products such as workstation cranes, workstation jibs, track systems and more. 

While such tools and technologies form the backdrop of any manufacturing operations, in today’s world, digital tools are also an essential component of manufacturing businesses too. From managing your customer database to placing orders – growing, scaling and maintaining a manufacturing based business in the modern age wouldn’t be possible without digital technology.

But with the heavy use of digital tools in mind comes the need for cyber security. Failure to secure your business and protect its data could land your business in hot water, and also has the potential to cause major business disruption. 

Here are our top tips on cyber security for the manufacturing sector to keep your business in check. 

laptop security from Metreel

Keep Technology And Software Updated

Still, navigating an old Windows XP computer? Never take notice of computer updates? Are you using a cloud-based software? Using outdated operating systems or software creates huge vulnerabilities in your cyber security.

While it may seem like a pain to update your computer and keep up to date with the latest systems, it is essential for security. That’s because hackers and scammers will look to take advantage of outdated systems, with updates designed to combat all the latest security threats your systems could be exposed to. 

Use Strong Passwords

Although it seems like basic advice, using strong passwords is something far too many people overlook. Passwords should be difficult to guess, not contain personal data and be changed regularly. Change passwords at once should any security alerts be detected on your systems. 

In conjunction with a strong password, two-factor authentication can also be used to protect accounts. 

Never use the same password for multiple accounts, and also be mindful of who has access to your passwords or customer data as a whole. Unfortunately, there have been cases where disgruntled ex-employees have intentionally created data leaks. So be sure to brief staff on GDPR and data protection laws, and revoke account access immediately if personnel no longer work for the company. 

Use Security Tools

As well as using a firewall, various security tools can prevent security breaches, as well as alert you should a breach occur. 

Unless such tools are installed, activated and monitored, your business will not receive the benefit of them. It also won’t reflect well on your business if these basic steps haven’t been taken, especially if private customer data is leaked. This kind of scenario is something we see all too often, and it can be very damaging to the reputation of that business.

If in doubt, speak to a trusted IT company that can advise on the best cyber security practices. Certainly don’t leave it until a cyber attack happens, since this can devastate a business, whether it operates in the manufacturing sector or any other niche.

cyber security from Metreel

Metreel Material Handling UK

Now you know how to protect your manufacturing business with the best cyber security tips, it’s time to ensure it’s material and mechanical handling products are up to scratch too.

Metreel is a leading manufacturer of material handling equipment. Based in Derbyshire, we operate not just across the East Midlands but on a global scale. So, if you are in search of the perfect material handling solutions for your manufacturing business you’re in the right place.

You can also download our free brochure to discover more about our product specifications by visiting our product brochure page. If you’re ready to place an order or have any questions, please give us a call on 0115 647 0422 or email us at [email protected].